Episode 30 - Manifesting Starts With Self-Love feat. Kelsey Aida

You're going to love this conversation with Kelsey Aida, bestselling author and transformation facilitator who helps women align with their highest potential and love themselves through the process. She’s the author of more than five books, including… #ActuallyICan, Affirmations for Happiness, Letters to the Universe, My Pocket Guide to Manifestation, and Self-Love for the Modern Woman. She also hosts international self-love retreats and the popular personal development podcast “High Vibin’ It”.

Angela McCourt 0:00
Let's get ready for some serious shift. This is a podcast shifting Inside Out hosted by your quantum shifter Angela McCourt, we are diving into ways to empower and enable a quantum shift. Inspiring topics hacks and guest speakers take us on a journey around authenticity, challenging status quo, personal power and living a purpose filled life.

I am super excited to have today's guest on Kelsey ADA is the best selling author and transformation facilitator who helps women align with their highest potential and love themselves through the process. She's the author of more than five books including hashtag, actually, I can affirmations for happiness letters to the universe, my Pocket Guide to manifestation and self love for the modern woman. She also hosts international self love retreats, and the popular personal development Podcast Hi, vibe minute. I really love her podcast, I think that's one of the very first one of Kelsey has many resources that I first connected with. And she has well over 150 episodes now. So if you want to go check that out, that is really fantastic. I'm really happy to have Kelsey on today, she has such a great perspective and really deep focus in her practice around self love and manifestation. And obviously, the connection she makes in this podcast is really important between the two. Because it's really hard to manifest unless you're really in that space from a head heart and body perspective, alignment around self love, and to be able to manifest the life that you really, really want. And so we're gonna go through this conversation today and actually kind of deep dive into both of these areas. And you're going to have some really amazing guidance from Kelsey, and I'm super excited to have her on. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode. As you listen. You can find me on LinkedIn at Angie belts McCourt, and on Instagram at Angie underscore McCourt. So without further ado, let's hear from Kelsey.

All right, so excited to have Kelsey ADA on this episode to share her journey and life's mission and so much knowledge. And so get started. Why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself.

Kelsey Aida 2:44
Hello, my name is Kelsey. And I help women to unleash their power align with their highest timeline and biggest potentialities, and help them to love themselves through the process. So a lot of my work is helping people manifest their desires through being in energetic alignment and healing and loving yourself and all that juicy stuff. So that's why I'm here. And that's what I do. And I write books, and I host retreats. And I just really live for improving people's quality of life, because I learned that quality of life is everything.

Angela McCourt 3:24
That is beautiful. Yes. I think it's really interesting that you share a lot of this through different channels. And that's what I'm hoping a lot of folks will be able to take away from the episode as well. So they have resources to go back to

Kelsey Aida 3:43
Oh, yeah, I am a resource. So many resources. There's a podcast, there's a million books, there's courses, there's everything.

Angela McCourt 3:53
Yes. And I love high vibin' it. So I'm hoping that we get to chat a little bit about that. And yes. Fantastic. All right. So let's ask a few questions to the audience can get to know you. So what is your morning ritual?

Kelsey Aida 4:10
So I'm actually not super big into routines. But there are aspects that go into like every day, so I wake up starving every single morning I have a very fast metabolism. So I'm always like cereal time is the best time and I like running to the kitchen right away like before I do anything before I check my phone before I get into my journal, I'm like food, so I just run to the kitchen, make my healthy cereal, which depends on the day but I'll usually throw some seeds in there some almond milk, maybe a little protein powder, you know, spice it up. And then it's like connect with me time so whether that's meditating or journaling or working with some affirmations or just sitting in the sun on my back porch I have a really lovely back porch in my house. I, that is like the bulk of the morning. So I can just get into my morning kind of slow. I don't do caffeine actually gives me headaches. So I'll usually just drink water or green juice or something of that nature. And then I just seem excited to get into work. So then I'll just start going start writing, if I'm inspired to write or if I need to edit my podcast or whatever it is, and just like okay, let's get this day rolling because my brain is like more fresh at the first half of the day. So I try and get all that stuff rolling. So nothing crazy, nothing super fancy. Sometimes in my me time portion of the routine, there'll be some stretching some body work, some breath work, but really just like breakfast, self care, you know, getting ready for the day and then just doing the work

Angela McCourt 5:51
as awesome. I love it. And I love that it just you go with whatever you feel like that morning.

Kelsey Aida 5:57
Yeah, I'm just kind of a go with the flow kind of gal. I I've never really thrived in strict harsh routine. So I just like accept that about myself and roll with it.

Angela McCourt 6:08
There you go. All right. How do you renew your energy? Hmm.

Kelsey Aida 6:15
I'm sleeping. bubble baths. sunshine. Sunshine is like huge for me. I am like a sun flower. Like I just need to be in the sun. And I feel like it's recharging me. It's cleansing me is healing me. It's given me all the vitamin D. So that's probably one of my favorites. But I'm also big into the gym. I love working out. I love lifting weights. I used to be a professional dancer and basically, so I'm just used to using my body as an instrument and that feels good to me. So exercise, Sun baths, sleeping. Yeah,

Angela McCourt 6:53
lots of energy movements and all of that to

Kelsey Aida 6:57
also giving to a degree really energizes me like in my one on one client work. I can be like so pumped after a session like all energized like, yes, it's working, you know, the medicine? Or like, if my fiance's like tired, and he just seems like a little head scratch. And then that like energizes me to like, give in that way. So that would be another way to that I kind of recharge is like, by giving I receive.

Angela McCourt 7:23
Oh, that's beautiful. I don't know that anyone that I've had on has said that about reenergizing. So it's a really good thing that others can.

Kelsey Aida 7:33
Oh, yeah, well, I think there's a line to where if you do it too much, then you're depleting so you have to like know your boundaries, but I have a pretty high capacity forgiving before it starts feeling depleting. So up until then it feels energy.

Angela McCourt 7:48
Fantastic. What is your guilty pleasure?

Kelsey Aida 7:52
Um, probably soap operas. Like for example, Vampire Diaries was like my life every fall, like for a decade. Level thing. There's like 100 episodes. So yeah, sexy vampires definitely can't resist. Right now I'm watching Virgin River, which is like very boring. But somehow I just like love that show. So yeah, I think a little bit of probably like romance to come into, like Married at First Sight and like the bachelor Bachelorette. So anything that has to do with like, romance reality TV, or like soap operas, I cannot stay away. That's definitely my guilty pleasure.

Angela McCourt 8:35
It's awesome. And rice is my favorite all time author. right there with you in that vampire realm? Yeah. Well, I thought it would be great for the listeners today to really just hear your journey, your mission in life. Anything that you can offer around key focuses where you have around self love around manifesting. And I thought it would just be great for you to share with the listeners. Yeah, have the stage.

Kelsey Aida 9:10
Yeah, so my story as it pertains to this work starts in my late teens, when I basically fell into a deep dark depressive episode. And I really didn't have the tools or the knowledge to heal quickly or to resolve the emotional issues. And so I kind of just got stuck in it for a couple of years. And it was very unlike me because I'm pretty happy and bubbly, naturally, pretty outgoing, you know, passionate about lots of different things. And that all started to fade away. It was like a perfect storm of hormonal imbalance and like not being able to dance because I had all these injuries but that was like my passion and just a A lot of things happened all at once to just like, put me in the hole. So I was in the hole, I was struggling, I was contemplating suicide not super seriously, but like it was a nice thought to have like, Well, it'd be nice if I didn't have to be miserable anymore. And eventually, I just reached my pain threshold of like, okay, I can't keep living like this, this is not sustainable. I need to figure out how to enjoy my life or like, it's not going to be a life anymore, right? So I kind of made a pact with the universe, like, Yo helped me figure this out God universe, whoever's listening my life, I need help, I need to figure out how to feel good, and I need to do it fast. So after I made this declaration, magically, the right tools and resources and books and teachers and perspectives and therapists and people just came into my world. And I started learning how to build a life that feels really good from the inside out, like your show says, how to really change my perspective, how to rework my belief system, how to create my life by design. And that's really when I got super excited about the idea of manifestation. Because I had never heard of this, I didn't know that you could think your way to a better life, which is like the basis right of law of attraction and manifestation, I didn't know that I was creating a lot of not all of but a lot of what was going on for me. And so when I started kind of mastering this art of playing with your life and feeling better, and doing things on purpose, and by design, I was just like me, everybody needs to have access to this information. Like, if everybody knew how to create their dream live, everyone be happy, no one be hurting each other, we would all just be in our own lane, doing our thing, having a great time, right, like world peace, one on one, I was having a great time. So in my mind, I just naturally was like, Well, I think I'll be the next Deepak Chopra, I'm just gonna write a bunch of books on this, I think I've learned some stuff that's really helpful. And I want to get it out there. And books just seemed like the perfect platform. Because lots and lots and lots of people can read a book versus like, you know, with coaching or other stuff. It's more one on one, it's slower. numbers wise, you think it's like less impact, per se. So I was always just really gravitated towards being an author. So obviously, no one knew who I was. So I was like, I don't want to write a book in vain, and nobody buys it, and nobody reads it. So I started a blog. And that's when Kelsey aida.com was born. And I was writing about how to heal your depression and work through your anxiety and how to take care of yourself and how to manifest your dreams and how to live in gratitude. And just all these things that I was practicing and learning, I really wanted to share with people. And then eventually, I wrote my first book, hashtag, actually, I can, which is all about affirmations and how to use them in an authentic and empowering way versus like the fake it till you make it approach from the 80s, which like, doesn't really work. We've all tried it, it's lame.

So I wrote my first book, I self published that. And then eventually, you know, high vibe, and it the podcast became a thing. And then more books, and then it flourished into retreats, and then working with clients one on one. And now it's just really blossomed into this full blown thing, where I'm just helping people, like you said, in all these different ways, through many different resources, and I think it's partially because I naturally have always had a gift for taking information, synthesizing, simplifying, and presenting it in a nice way to people. Like even when I was little on the playground, like if my friend didn't understand multiplication, she'd be like, I don't get it. Like, I'm just not getting it, like the teachers would be explaining all day. And I'd be like, girlfriend, just thinking it like this. And I would tell her a new way that the teacher never said, and she was like, Oh, my gosh, I get it. And it was like me, helping her just click, like something clicked in her mind, right. And I noticed growing up that I was always good doing that like presenting people with a new perspective that helped it click for them in their mind. So I've really just taken that gift and ran with it. And I just love teaching through all the different modalities, whether it's the podcast, or in person at the retreats, or in one on one work or in my books, and the books are really fun for me because it's more of like a channeling like, it's like something takes over and then I read it and I'm like, This is so good. Where did this come from? Geez. Um, so yeah. Does that answer your question?

Angela McCourt 14:54
Beautiful. So let's talk about how you who kind of decided to go into coaching the coaching part of it, the facilitating part of it? And what the most important shift for you in that journey was?

Kelsey Aida 15:13
Yeah, great question. So coaching chose me, I never wanted to be a coach, I always thought, oh my gosh, what a waste of time to help one person at a time when I could just write a book, because I'm just gonna tell everyone the same advice. Everyone wants to know the same things. Like, in my mind, I was like, No, that's not where the fun is that for me, I was just wanting to be an author. But then, when I hosted my first retreat, as a bonus, I wanted to add coaching to the end of the retreat. Because nobody does this, I didn't want to just, like have these people blossom in a week, and then have no help like integrating the tools that they learned at the retreat back into real life. So I was like, Well, I'm gonna offer everyone who comes to the retreat a month of coaching with me. So I can just help them, like, carry these tools with them and sync them up into their daily lives once they get home. So I did that. And it was fun, it was rewarding. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. And I was just naturally pretty good at it. And one or two of the girls were like, Yo, I know this is our fourth session, but like, I can't live without this coaching work, it is so good. And it's helped me change my life. So much like these sessions, like you don't understand, like how much this is supporting me and helping me blossom and like, you're such a resource for me, like, can we please keep working together? And I was like, well, like if you want to pay me then. And so we basically like decided on a price and like what it was worth to them. We just went from there. And now it's just kind of blossomed where I work a lot with people who have been on my retreats, but also people who find me through podcast, interviews, or read my articles or whatever, like the right people who feel the calling, they know. And they find me and we work together to religious up level their life and like expedite their growth.

Angela McCourt 17:03
Yeah, and that brings a good point to things. Let's first go down the path of the retreats. Have you found, especially with women, this need and desire for connection? Circles community, you know, this deeper, more intimate kind of relationship with other women? Are you finding that to be kind of a bigger blossoming thing as well?

Kelsey Aida 17:34
Yeah, because that wasn't something I thought about blatantly in my mind, when I was setting up the retreats, I didn't realize how valuable the community aspect was going to be. And it's very powerful. And women come together with a shared purpose. So at my retreats, so far, they've all been centered around self love. So everyone's there to love themselves more, that's really powerful to come into a space where everyone travels from far and wide to, you know, congregate for said, growth, play healing, like it is really, really cool and powerful. And everyone leaves with like the sisterhood that carries on paths of the retreat.

Angela McCourt 18:14
That's beautiful. Yeah, I'm finding just even myself, isolation was good for a period of time for deep inner work. Yeah. And the slow down, like, I think this was needed in humanity. But I feel like I see more and more women just coming together, especially, you know, in that community, and that more deeper connection of from a relationship perspective. And even like you said, Having set intentions, like having a drive not just like coming together to hang out, like really doing something intentional, impactful and, and rewarding, I think as well. So that's a really interesting approach to do the retreats to be able to pull people together, create the community, and then the ongoing coaching as well. As far as my other thought around what you've shared so far, when you start to go down the path with someone new to manifesting, what does that unfolding look like for them?

Kelsey Aida 19:25
So yeah, it's really about showing people their power and showing them how they've already been co creating their lives and showing them how their thoughts are shifting their beliefs and how that's affecting their actions and how that's changing their life. So, once you realize that you've been manifesting all along, now, it's just about manifesting on purpose, manifesting with intention creating, you know, what you want, not what you don't want, which involves a lot of troubleshooting once you get a little more advanced like into your mind Finding your belief systems and your habits and just getting into your blind spots, which is why like a coach like me is helpful, because you can always see what's in your blind spot as well as in your blind spot, right? But I'm really, it's about just living more intentionally, and living more energetically aligned with your dreams and your goals. So let's say you want to make more money, then I'd be the person to help you be like, Okay, well, what's stopping you from making more money? Now? How much money do you want to make? Who's the person you have to become in order to contain that much wealth? What kind of habits do we need to shift? So it's all about aligning energetically, but also, like in the 3d, which a lot of law of attraction people don't talk about? Because not as sexy to be like, Well, yeah, there might be some work involved. In creation, yeah, there might be some aligned action that needs to happen to it's probably not just gonna like, fall in your lap. Just like you're probably not going to meet your husband, like, as the pizza delivery man, like, he's probably not just going to show up at your door, you might have to, like, you know, leave your house, like meet some new people.

Angela McCourt 21:10
That's awesome. And so a lot of the listeners are probably new to manifesting. I know they're desiring more self love. And self care has actually been, you know, the talk. But I think there's more to it. Yeah. So let's start with manifesting. As you know, you think about the person who has his busy schedule, they're in this everyday job that's demanding, they may have a family, they may have a commute, they may be working remote. There are lots of different things going on between work and life. What are three things that they could start putting into practice every day to help them co create the life that they want?

Kelsey Aida 22:04
Yes, I like this question. So for me, you have to find like, What's your most fun way to be intention setting but for me, I love journaling, writing, scripting, having a journal. And whether that looks like writing down some affirmations in the morning of like, whatever your goal is, I'm working towards becoming, I am super excited to experience, I'm ready to call this in, I'm working towards more blank. You know, manifestation can be something you're wanting to create, like a dream home or something you're wanting to experience like more inner peace, it doesn't have to be a thing per se, or a person or place. But it could be also an experience. So it's really just having the intention, which I love to write it down, I find anytime I write something down pen to paper, not pen to paper with your hand, it will happen. Assuming that you have enough alignment there, it will happen. It's only a matter of time. So writing down what you want to experience next, so powerful, sharing it with the right people who are going to be supportive of that dream, also very helpful and powerful. And then somewhere during the day, like making a little bit of you time for the energy alignment piece. So this could just be 10 minutes of meditation where you're just like, you know, slowing your mind and imagining that you're receiving that thing. Or it's 10 minutes to go for a walk in the sun and really get recharged and just let your worries melt away. Really, the game of manifestation is releasing resistance. So resistance could be resisting how you feel, resisting your current reality, resisting what you want, which a lot of people do and they don't realize they're doing which is like where I would come in and help them. But really be intention setting peace. I think sharing with the right people can be really beneficial. And then making time for releasing resistance. Just if that doesn't make sense to you that verbiage like finding time to relax, basically, relaxing your body relaxing your mind. And that's gonna help you line up energetically with what you're asking for.

Angela McCourt 24:26
Yeah, and we're gonna get to high vibe in it. But one of my favorite episodes was 110, which was about mastering resistor. Perfect. So

Unknown Speaker 24:35
there's a whole episode on it, you guys.

Angela McCourt 24:37
It was amazing. We'll get into that in a second. So now let's switch to self love. Yeah, because I think there's a lot that you can really share here around what deep self love means and that it's not just about taking a bath lighting a candle, working out like this. Are those who are self care?

Kelsey Aida 25:01
Yeah. Which is a natural side effect of self love? Yes.

Angela McCourt 25:06
But why don't you share, like your philosophy around self love how important it is? And then what does it mean to go deep?

Kelsey Aida 25:15
Yeah, so a lot of people confuse self love was self liking. They think in order to love myself after like everything about myself, which one is impossible, okay? How are you ever gonna like everything about yourself like, that's just not that's you're setting yourself up to fail with that expectation. Like, you're probably not going to love every part of your body and every thing that you do and every habit and everything that you say like, that's hard. Okay? So let's reframe the definition. Self love, if we look at the real definition of love, to love is to include something or someone as a part of yourself. Right? So if I love my dog, my dog's well being is my well being. If I love my kid, my kids well being is my well being, if I love my spouse, their well being as my well being so like, their dreams mattered to me, their values matter to me, what they want matters to me what they need matters to me. So it's really like when you apply this to the self, it's like making yourself matter to you and taking positive ownership of yourself again, and taking care of yourself living a life that's aligned with your values. Speaking kindly to yourself to the degree that you can, and when you don't, realizing why you're doing that, and loving the part of you, that's being mean. So it's not always about like, Oh, I like everything about myself. No, that's impossible. It's more so about giving love to every part of you, the good, the bad, the ugly, it's about taking positive ownership of what you need to live your best life and going in that direction.

Angela McCourt 27:03
As beautiful. And I don't think that you that has been shared enough out there for people to really understand what that means.

Kelsey Aida 27:14
Yeah, cuz I think to some level, everyone's like, oh, I want to love myself more. But I don't know how and be I'm kind of nervous that I'm going to become like conceited or narcissistic, which is the opposite of self love. Well, okay. There's some like, terminology crossover, I suppose like, Oh, if you love yourself so much, you're conceited. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about taking good care of yourself, not being obsessed with yourself, like a vain way, which also, you're allowed to be like, that's fine, as long as you're not hurting anyone else in the process. But I think when you become a narcissist is when you're doing that, and it's to the detriment of other people, right. And that's where like the line is drawn.

Angela McCourt 27:54
So when you teach about self love, what are a couple of the key focus areas that you find are really important? That there's barriers? Yeah, that where we say we have to learn how to love ourselves, where it's either programming, old conditioning, things that we've carried over from past lives, whatever it is, that has built this little barrier, how do you crack through it?

Kelsey Aida 28:23
Yeah, so the biggest, there's like three main pillars to my self love teaching at the moment, but one of the biggest ones that we have the most barrier to is feeling your feelings, which sounds like so trivial, like, Oh, I feel my feelings all the time. But no, you don't, actually and I'm gonna tell you why. We think our feelings a lot of time, right? Like we're thinking about the feeling, yes, we're resisting the feeling we're running from the feeling we're doing things to avoid the actual feeling. But a lot of the work that I do at my radical self love retreats, and in my course, and with my one on one clients is teaching them how to feel, which sounds so like basic, like, oh, everyone knows how to feel it's a natural thing. But like, We're taught that it's bad to feel or wrong to feel or we don't have time for it, or it's gonna make you a vibrational match to all these bad things or whatever lies it is about like, why feeling bad is wrong. And I say feeling bad because we do allow ourselves to feel good usually because that's more comfortable. But what we don't allow ourselves to process and feel through are the heavier feelings. So really, I help people to get in touch with their emotional body. Learn that it's okay to feel how they feel, and teach them how to feel in a way where they're not hurting themselves. They're not hurting anyone else. And in that process, your emotional body naturally heals itself comes back to like a homeostasis of wellbeing, wholeness, health, and from there your whole life starts lining up in new ways. Because a lot of what people All are missing, I think, is a healthy emotional connection and the tools to heal themselves and hold themselves through any experience because really, an emotion is just a temporary energetic experience. But we make it bigger than it is we think we're gonna die, we think that things are gonna happen if we go there, and we think we're gonna get stuck in that emotion forever. And a lot of my work is just helping people realize, like, it's just a feeling, you can hold yourself through it, it's gonna be a ride, but you just breathe your way through it. And on the other side is always relief. And that relief, when you can keep bringing yourself to a space of relief over and over and over, you start to not be afraid of feeling anymore. And then you're not afraid of life anymore. Because the things we're afraid of in life we're afraid of, because we think it could make us feel bad. Or feel pain. Yeah. But when you can make pain, you're bi Tch, so to speak, in this context, where you really master processing it, it's not as big a deal. And then you're really free to live your best life and like take risks and go for things that you want. Because you're not like, Oh, what if I feel disappointed, like, so what I felt disappointed a million times, and I survived and I'm fine. It's a very different attitude.

Angela McCourt 31:27
How powerful is that to? And honestly, like, if you're working through limiting beliefs, you're working through your feelings, and you're learning how to acknowledge name, tame both, you can unlock your best, best self. Oh, yeah. Like, that's the secret.

Kelsey Aida 31:50
And then your best life just naturally starts to unfold. Because when you're your best self, you can't help but line up with your highest timeline, which is why self love and manifestation go hand in hand. And they support each other in that way. Like, the more self loving you become, the more inner harmony you create, the more inner harmony, you create more outer harmony is realized. Because the law of attraction is really just the universe, reflecting to you your relationship with yourself all the time, through all your other relationships to everything else.

Angela McCourt 32:23
Yeah, and you had mentioned something at the beginning around alignment and energetic alignment I work a lot with clients on this too, is alignment into your values and your decisions. Like if you are kind of this setting this core foundation of self love, you have your values, your integrity, you're working to take action on your intentions. This is like a consistent machine that like really keeps producing, producing, building on. Like, that's incredible. Yeah,

Kelsey Aida 33:04
yeah, it's really powerful. I think they were like a feeling my feelings. That sounds terrible. And I'm like, but actually was good at it. It'll change your whole life. It makes everything so much easier, so much quicker, so much better. So that's a big part of what I teach as far as loving yourself, like loving yourself through it all, holding yourself unconditionally, and being with yourself unconditionally.

Angela McCourt 33:30
Ooh, that's interesting. Because I think a lot of times, we get so busy in life, and we're just afraid to be still to be with ourselves. We always find a distraction that pulls us away from that time of just being with ourselves. How do you break through that?

Kelsey Aida 33:52
Practice? Honestly, once you've practiced it enough times, and you realize that it's not going to hurt you, then it feels more safe to continue. But the only way you can know is by trying

Angela McCourt 34:05
and seeing what happened. Exactly. It's only one way you might actually like yourself.

Kelsey Aida 34:10
And even if you don't like yourself, I can show you how to love yourself. Like for example, you know, if you realize you're hanging out with your inner critic, you're like, Oh, she's horrible. I don't like this lady. She's the worst. But if you get to know her, you might realize that she has good intention. Because no, it's actually impossible for you to be against yourself. So every sabotaging behavior, every part of you that's wreaking havoc in your life is doing it because it thinks it's helping in some way. Right? So a lot of people's inner critics will be like, Oh, I'm just here to criticize her so she stays in line so that in the outer world, nobody else can criticize her because she's already perfect. Right? Like if a friend told you that they were being mean to you for the purpose of trying to help you you'd be like, Yo, I don't like how you're doing this, but I appreciate that you're trying to help me, right? So it's like changing the way you relate to these detrimental parts of yourself. create so much wholeness and completion and inner peace, that you don't have to get rid of your inner critic or silence her in order to feel better. You just relate to her in a new way like, Oh, there she is, again. She's just trying to help in her weird way that doesn't really work. But like we appreciate that she tries you know,

Angela McCourt 35:26
I love that approach. I work a lot with inner critics with with clients. And it's interesting because I might have spread any other whiny voice nice, stocky. He just it's just like he catches my attention from a wait a minute. I know it's you talking to me? Yeah. So it's more of like an acceptance. And then a valid like, let me just validate what he's saying. Like, and it's amazing. As you start working with your inner critic, they calm down. Yeah,

Kelsey Aida 36:00
they really do calm down once you tell them like, Yo, we don't need to do that anymore. Like it's safe. Like we're good. Like, thanks. But no, thanks. They're like, Oh, okay. Okay, fine.

Angela McCourt 36:10
You're good. You're good. I don't need to come in and do all this extra protecting. Yeah. Let's talk about Hi vibe in it. Yeah. share about your podcast. Yeah. I love your podcast. I think that was one of the first thing that I started engaging with the work you do probably about a year and a half or two ago.

Kelsey Aida 36:30
Love it. Yeah. So the podcast is so fun. It's called high vibe. And it dropped the G and vibing. Because we're cool, like that sort of high vibe in it. And it's really just about living your best life, healing spirituality, emotions, girl stuff, funny things. We just really love to get together every week to help empower people and give them these types of tools. And we is me and my co host, Lindsey Robinson. And she's a Hypnotherapist. And then of course, I'm the transformation facilitator slash inspirational author. So we have a good blend of like, different perspectives of working with the mind and the energy and the heart and all of these things to help you just really live intentionally and by design and have a fun time while you're doing it. And it's funny, because I always wanted to have a podcast once I started this work. So I always like to say that I manifested the podcast because Lindsey doesn't really like to be in the spotlight. So she came to me one day and was like, Yo, there's this show, like network online, and they offer me my own show. They said it was cool that I'm a hypnotherapist, and they want me to have my own radio show. But I don't want to do it. And she was like, well, they told me I could have a co host. So like, I would consider doing the show if you want to do with me. And I was like, this is even a question like, here's my podcast prayers answered, like, of course, we're going to do this show. So she was like, a little bit reluctant. But of course, I was pulling all the oracle cards, like it's gonna be great. Look at all these things. It's gonna be amazing. And so I was hyping her up about it. And you know, I pulled I pulled her into the limelight with me. And now we're doing the show. And it's been great. We're been doing it for like three years now, because we're over 150 episodes in and we do it basically every Monday nonstop.

Angela McCourt 38:22
Yeah. And I think there was an episode like about a year ago where you guys finally got to meet

Kelsey Aida 38:29
in person. Person. Yes, yeah. Because we met online. And we were best friends. She had interviewed me similar to this, like she was hosting an online Summit. So it's like where you interview a lot of experts on a certain topic. And it's like all these interviews and you put them together in a package. So she was doing that. That's how we met. And then after the interview was over, after we were done recording, we just kept talking talking talking time we just like hit it off, like soulmate girlfriends, like from day one. And then we just became friends. We'd FaceTime all the time, we would work on collaborative projects online together and stuff. And so eventually when the time came for her to have this podcast she like naturally thought of me and now we're just you know, the dynamic duo of hi vibe minutes. So it's pretty fun.

Angela McCourt 39:14
Yeah, you knew each other for years before you've physically met. Yes.

Kelsey Aida 39:18
Which is so embarrassing, because we're both in California at one point, like only two hours away from each other, but we never could make it happen. But she has three kids and I'm super busy and it just like wasn't priority. And then she moved and then I moved and then we were far and then eventually I finally flew out to Vegas to go see her and then we met in person but it was like did it feel like it was first time meeting in person because we were already like sisters, but it was kind of funny.

Angela McCourt 39:44
And that's the thing that's interesting is that you two are amazing. Like you have a great like you almost seems like you've known each other forever. And that you've always had a physical presence. connection, like you just have that energy together and how you bounce off each other. It's just incredible to listen to your podcast. And so it's it's interesting because this world nowadays, where teams are working remote, you know, a lot of stuff is done online, and it's like, oh, we're missing the personal connection. Oh, you can have personal connection through video.

Kelsey Aida 40:28
Yeah, well, I think the personal connection piece that people are missing is like the authenticity. I think people are trying too hard to like, present themselves in a certain way or put on a show and like, that's why it doesn't feel connective.

Angela McCourt 40:42
Yeah, that's true. And I think even like, leaders, you know, it's just, it feels like the task. Versus it's a meeting, versus it's my opportunity to connect with my teammate,

Kelsey Aida 40:56
right? And like, how different would it be if the conversation starting was like, Oh, how's everyone? Everyone's like, I'm great. I'm great. Instead of everyone's like, real, like, oh, well, you know, mine was pretty hard, but like, I'm looking forward to this afternoon being better. Or like, you know, I have a headache, but like, I love my job. So I'm here. I'm excited. Like, let's do this. Like, that's very different, showing up and being real and raw, as opposed to like, oh, yeah, everything's great. coffee in hand, like, does a fake little like, Zoom pose like you're interested in? But you're not?

Angela McCourt 41:27
Yeah, that's a good point. And I think, what also, I would say, benefits people by really having just the authentic show up as you type of at least once a week engagement with a team is, it allows for the reality of the world today, to showcase through, you know, people are carrying a lot on their shoulders. They're working through a lot, personally, and then influence around them. But it's like, they're having to keep it all in. Yeah,

Kelsey Aida 42:03
everyone's like, everything's fine. Even though clearly, everything is not fine. Like we're in this crazy time in history, where everything is changing really, really fast. A lot of things are being destroyed, so they can be rebuilt more sustainably, like, it's a lot for everyone. So I think when people are like, oh, yeah, I'm fine. Everything's great. Oh, whatever. It's just like, everyone knows that that's not true. Like, so then there's no, you're missing the opportunity to connect when you're not being real. And there's a way to be real without being a Debbie Downer. You know, I'm not saying you have to take over the zoom and be like, Oh, My life sucks. But I think there is a place in the middle, where if people were a little more open and a little more authentic, that you would actually feel more connected to the people that you're working with more connected to the people in your team. And that would lead to better results. Ultimately,

Angela McCourt 42:51
yeah, that's beautiful. I love it. Is there anything else that you would like to share?

Kelsey Aida 42:58
Just that I would like people if they're feeling inspired and activated by this conversation to just use me as a resource. Maybe just go listen to hi vibe or net? Obviously, it's podcast. So it's free. Go on my blog. There's so much good stuff there. I have a couple of books, if you want me to give you like rundown of each book. So if people feel inspired, they know like, where to go. Which book presents? Yeah. So let's see, where do we begin. So I already talked about the first book, hashtag, actually I can, the art of affirming yourself to greatness is an affirmation guide book. So that one actually really does help you get in touch with your authenticity. And it helps to show you how to use affirmations in a way that is progressive and gentle and real, as opposed to like, fake it till you make it. So if you're an affirmation work, that's a great place to start. Another book on affirmations is called affirmations for happiness. And it's a cute little yellow joyful sunflower a book that I like to use, like a deck of oracle cards. So I'll just like flip to any random page. And then that's my affirmation for the day. Just adopt that mantra, meditate on it, work with it, breathe with it. And it just is like a little tool to start your day off, right and help you cultivate more happiness in your life. So that one's really simple and easy. That has five stars on Amazon, like people are obsessed with that book. And then letters to the universe is a scripting journal. So if you're into journaling, if you want to manifest your dreams via writing letters to the universe is the book for you. Because there's a couple chapters in the beginning about manifesting how it works, how to do it. And then it's just a template that helps you brainstorm what you want, why you want it, how to get into alignment with it, how to release the resistance around it, and then you get to write a letter to the universe like hey, and I'm super pumped to experience this thing. Thanks in advance for helping me create it really excited. Can't wait to feel X, Y and Z. This is going to be great, like hype up you know? Yeah, so that's a really fun one. One of my favorites. And then my most Well, there's two more recent books. So one of the more recent books, my Pocket Guide to manifestation is perfect for manifesting beginners and intermediates. Oh, yeah, you have another cute at the university. Okay, so why don't you tell them your take on my Pocket Guide to manifest? Yeah.

Angela McCourt 45:20
So here's what I really loved about the Pocket Guide, is there's a lot of very thoughtful, deep approaches to very specific results. So if you're looking for something very specific, it's not just generic, but it goes through extremely detailed guidance on what to do. I don't know how you came up with all this. Maybe you did.

Kelsey Aida 45:51
Yeah, there's like 100 exercises in there. But they're not all. They're all specific to the desire. But you'll notice a lot of them like repeat, right? So there's 14 in each chapter, but they're all tailored to each desire. So let's say if you want to manifest more happiness, there's a chapter of exercises on that. And you can try any one of them. There's a meditation, there's a journal exercise, there's affirmation work, there's energy work, like there's all different things in there. And yeah, like you said, it's just broken down, like really simple. So you just follow step by step. Yep. So that's a fun one for playing in the manifestation world. And then I just wrote a book that I'm actually giving away for free right now. So another free resource. It's called the mini book of self love for the modern woman. So if you're really wanting to dive deep into the self love aspect, I will give, I will give Angie the link so she can link it in the show notes. And you guys can download that one for free. It's a mini book. So it's only like 40 pages. You can read it in like one or two sittings, which is something new and fun. I mean, I thought like, All books are so long, who even ever finishes a book? Right? So what if we did a short one that people can actually finish and like, dive in and enjoy? So that one's on self love? And then, you know, I'm always working on more, got some more books up my sleeves. So just stay tuned for those. I'm working on a manifestation troubleshooting guide of like, okay, I did all the things but like, it's not happening. So what the next book is gonna be?

Angela McCourt 47:21
That's great. Yeah, I think a lot. I think everybody's ready for that. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 47:26
yes. Yes.

Angela McCourt 47:28
I've tried this. Yes. Something stuck. Yeah.

Kelsey Aida 47:32
Yeah, it's gonna be fun. So yeah, I would just say use me as a resource. Grab a book, listen to the podcast. Come on the retreat. I actually am hosting. One coming up pretty soon. When is this episode going air soon? Next week, next week. So yeah, you'll he'll have plenty of time to join if you want to join. Basically, in October, this one's going to be the 12th to the 17th. I'm taking a group of women to porta Viar toe Mexico. And we do self love work all week, we drink margaritas by the pool, we go to the beach. It's like a fun girls trip meets a healing spiritual retreat. So love it. If you want to do this type of work with me in Paradise, and also get a month of coaching with me after then you can learn more and sign up for the retreat at Kelsey aida.com/retreat. And I'll give her the link to that too. So everything will be linked easy for you guys. But yeah, I have a couple of spots left for that one. So if you're like, yes, I want to get away. I want to do myself livery in paradise with other like minded women. That sounds so fun, then apply. It'll be

Angela McCourt 48:36
really fun. Perfect. That was really fantastic. And I'm glad that you shared Do you have any other call outs of books? courses from anyone else? Products? Anything like that nonprofits?

Kelsey Aida 48:53
Yeah, call out. So my favorite nonprofit this is like totally unrelated to everything that we've talked about. But it's one that I'm personally in touch with, because I did a trip to Guatemala to go volunteer at this orphanage. And it's called Work play love. And they support children and Guatemala helped them get an education. They fund these orphanages for young men and women. And it's just really cool to see that these kids who are orphaned are still living a good life of sisterhood and brotherhood at the orphanage and being taken care of and being loved and a lot of them are you know graduating from the orphanage to a life to a career. So they're kind of getting out of that traumatic system that they were in. So if you guys are really about supporting cute kids in Guatemala, then work play Lab is a great place you can donate money to I've personally been involved with the organization and it is fabulous. So I definitely want to give my shout out to them because when I got them all it moved me I wanted to adopt all the kids but they don't want you. I was like I'm only 18 but I'm ready to be a mom I'll just take all these kids on with me, they're so cute.

Angela McCourt 50:04
That's awesome. Anything else?

Kelsey Aida 50:07
Um, I guess my last notes would just be, you know, don't be afraid to go for it and live your best life. And you're allowed to want what you want. And you're allowed to feel how you feel. And I just hope for everyone that they are living their best life. And if they're not that they figure out how to.

Angela McCourt 50:27
Ah, that's beautiful. Kelsey, thank you so much for taking the time to join us out of your busy schedule. Really appreciate you. Yeah, and I will definitely include all the links to your website, your blog, I'll list out the books. And we're playing love nonprofit. Yeah, thank you so much for joining. So appreciate you.

Unknown Speaker 50:51
Thank you. Bye, everyone. Have a great week.

Angela McCourt 50:55
So speaking of best self and living your best life, I wanted to just let all my listeners know that I have a really great surprise for you. I just launched an app in the last couple of weeks, first on the App Store, as well as my website, but you can also get it on Google in the next month. This is called best self activation, you can just go to the app store and search for that. And the whole point is to unlock the treasure chest within you to be able to break through any inner barriers, as well as any things that are holding you back, like limiting beliefs, any old conditioning and programming. We work a lot with the subconscious through all of the exercises. And this blueprint is proven to help you unlock your best self. And it's interesting because this is a journey. And it is one that is full of amazing deep transformation, that if you're willing to put in 10 minutes a day, you can absolutely unlock your best self. So go check it out in the app store. And you can also find it on my website, www dot Angela mccourt.com forward slash best hyphen, self hyphen activation and I will also put this in the show notes. Thanks so much and enjoy

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